Finding True Spirit Connection

The Spirit within has all the answers. It is up to us to listen to our true self purpose, connected to synchronize moments in everyday living. The truth is all around us, guiding our Spirit in directions of revelation, recognition, and True Spirit Connection. Join Heather, the host of Finding True Spirit Connection and founder of True Spirit on digging down deep to the truth of the human spirit. Every week Heather will share her synchronized personal experiences on the journey of Finding True Spirit Connection. Entailing how her story began as an empathic child to now, a well known Vibrational Healer/ Psychic Medium. This podcast will also take a huge look at how unseen Vibrational energy plays a big role in everyone’s lives. New Earth Vibration, Spirit, Energetic body flow, and the Quantum field plays a huge role in finding the rhythm you came to this planet for. Lets break open the truths of True Spirit Connection and get started right now. Thanks for being here and Enjoy!

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Tuesday May 09, 2023

An in-depth look on my views how the Psychic Medium Reader brain works.  With 9 years being a Reader under my belt, energy has shown me a few things how the Vibrational field works in Readers and in folks seeking out Readers.
This Episode also helps ones looking for that awesome Reader and how to recognize what's best for them, throughout a Psychic Medium Reading.
This is how I see 'How does the Psychic Medium energy works' and my differ from other point of view.
Access to 'The Healing Hub' in website

Tuesday May 02, 2023

This Episode is a In-depth look of Decaying control cycles on the Planet.  How the human race has been locked in a Dark Negative loop of Fear and manipulation for generations.  Shining a light on why many are stuck on their old versions of themselves.
The awakening of many with the 5D New Earth energy has been blowing the whistle on these, control through fear tactics, harnessing the POWER of being Generational Cycle Breakers.  To bring in NEW Peace Love And Harmony to save the World.
Yes, this episode is POWERFUL and has upgrades in it.  You will be changed after from the quantum healing within these words!
'The Healing Hub' access

Tuesday Apr 25, 2023

Part 3 of a 3 part mini series!
This episode is a cerebration of being one year on the Horse Ranch my family moved too! Also who picked the name of the Ranch and what we Found energetically on the property.  This move wasn't easy for me, but major events show me I was on the right path to achieve my highest Destiny lines to date.
'The Healing Hub' access on

Tuesday Apr 18, 2023

Part 2 of a 3 part mini series... How my family moved to a Horse Ranch... This Episode is about how Universe Divinely guided us to the right Ranch to live on, after looking at many farms.  Plus this unique struggle was actually growth in disguise, I didn't know I needed.  Changing the rhythm of how I lived my life, into letting go and flowing! 
'The Healing Hub' Link on website

Tuesday Apr 11, 2023

This is Part 1 of 3 part mini series...
How my life changed unexpectedly and led me down a path to Live on a Horse Ranch.... This episode shares how Universe took over my life to trust the process in times of panic. Growing a part of my intuition I never knew I had, stepping out of my comfort zone, and Leaping into the unknown for my family to stay together. 
 'The Healing Hub' access in website

Tuesday Apr 04, 2023

Dark Night of the Soul what is it? Check out this Episode of the break down on what happens emotionally and vibrationally in the body when the human identity changes.  Creating 'THE' painful purge of dark night of the soul, with soul growth, simply and usually on a request that was asked before soul evolution happens. 
Check out links for more connection link to 'The Healing Hub' is in website

Tuesday Mar 28, 2023

Can you actually say you are mindful of Dirty Vibration around you? How much dirty vibration CAN be created just by thought and what are the effects?
Episode 14 tells the story how I discovered the secret of why my 2 year son could not sleep peacefully at night. Yup... It was Dirty Vibration that was lurking around him keeping him up. 
This chat highlights my journey on figuring out how to curve negativity to clean house and created the positive vibes for better healthy living
Social Media links 'The Healing Hub' Link

13. Anxiety... The Body Alarm

Tuesday Mar 21, 2023

Tuesday Mar 21, 2023

What is Anxiety really?  It is in our everyday lives!  Do you listen to your Anxiety? Listen to what it really is telling you with in your body!  This Podcast explores why we have anxiety, right down to the vibration of the planet and Matrix, linked to our vibration in our body.  
Social media TrueSpiritConnection Link for 'The Healing Hub' on website

Tuesday Mar 14, 2023

An unexpected illness hit our house... Yup it's Long Term Covid! Having this odd energy so close, I got loads of revealing information that changes the way you see this illness.  Hospital visits, Guides taking over healing, New information, and Help from others makes this amazing true story!
To follow me more check out True Spirit Connection on Instagram and Facebook.  Website 'The Healing Hub' link is on website.

11. Guides & Guards Connection

Tuesday Feb 28, 2023

Tuesday Feb 28, 2023

Spoiler alert: I honestly don’t know how many guides and guards I have. But we can discuss how anyone can connect with guides and guards.


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